We are holding two Virtual Open House sessions for all Energy Masters including the MBA on Energy Management, Building Sustainability, Sustainable Mobility Management.
Register now to join our Virtual Open House on Friday, February 28, 2025.
11:00 AM CET (preferably for candidates from Asia and Australia and Africa)
05:00 PM CET (preferably for candidates from North and South America and Europe)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 696 8443 6392
Passcode: 919061
One tap mobile
+496950502596,,69684436392#,,,,,,0#,,919061# Germany
+496971049922,,69684436392#,,,,,,0#,,919061# Germany
Dial by your location
+49 695 050 2596 Germany
+49 69 7104 9922 Germany
Meeting ID: 696 8443 6392
Passcode: 919061
Find your local number: tu-berlin.zoom.us/u/cbENp91BW
Join by SIP
Join by H.323 (Amsterdam Netherlands) (Germany) (Canada Toronto) (Canada Vancouver) (Japan Tokyo) (Japan Osaka)
Meeting ID: 696 8443 6392
Passcode: 919061
Learn more about the TU Berlin MBA Energy Master programs and meet our students, alumni and faculty staff.
- Introduction to the Energy Masters
- Energy Masters Team
- Presentation of each MBA program by the academic program managers
- Application & Admission
- TU & EUREF-Campus Tour
- Q&A Breakout Session
We look forward to meeting you online and will happy to answer all your questions!
Event details...